All Posts by Ian

005 – How to Use Your Band Website and Mailing List as the Engine of Your Success

I can’t wait for you to meet today’s guest, who’s an incredible success story from the online retail world: Susan Petersen of Freshly Picked.

Since starting out as an early Etsy entrepreneur, Susan’s had an amazing journey, including an appearance on Shark Tank, a partnership with Nordstrom, and now, a million-dollar online business selling baby moccasins.

[smart_track_player url="" title="Session #5" artist="The Make It In Music Podcast" color="#777777" social="true" social_twitter="true" social_facebook="true" social_gplus="true" ] Continue reading

Make It On Soundcloud

There are a core set of sites that every aspiring musician should be using to help build a fanbase and spread the word about their music. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram are obvious choices, but many musicians forget about the one social site that is driven by music alone – Soundcloud. It’s true that music […]

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Facebook Just Screwed You – Again

So, Facebook has now decided that all those fans you took years getting to ‘like’ your Fan Page for your music don’t really want to hear from you. They don’t care that you’ve paid them to get all those likes either! Despite the fact that Facebook have happily pointed out for years that all businesses […]

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Unsigned in the UK? A National Tour Opportunity

We don’t usually post this kind of thing as there always seem to be an endless stream of ‘Battle of the Bands’ in every corner of the world. But, we’ve got behind this one as it’s a little different – The UK Uprising Tour. A chance for a UK act to do a tour of […]

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