Fan Mailing List

Fan Mailing List

We recommend Aweber – read the posts to see why or click for $1 trial

This page collates all our most important posts on how to build your fan list, collect emails from your fans and gives a best practice guide on how to use that band mailing list to best effect.

You should start with our series of posts on the basics of building fan mailing lists, as they deal with what you need to know about how to capture email addresses from your fans, which service to use and what to do with the fan list once you’ve got it!

Building a Fan Mailing List – the why and the how – Part 1

Building a Fan Mailing List – what service to use – Part 2

Part 3 – coming soon

I don’t need a website or mailing list – You might after reading this!

More relevant posts on fan mailing lists will be added as we write them.

Aweber HeartWe do love Aweber. We get paid a commission if you buy it, but we only recommend it because we think it’s the best email software there is. That’s why we use it ourselves. If you’re serious about the long term nature of your music and your band, Aweber will grow with you. FanBridge, ReverbNation and others are fine, and have our blessing, but this is the daddy! Get Aweber.